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How squatering came about, what it is like and why it's relevant now и Do you think that sportspeople are overpaid (Школьные сочинения)

The first

Squatering is less common in Russia than in England or the USA. It happens because people live more in houses than in flats there. Actually, it's more difficult to protect a house than an apartment.

Squatters are people, who live in destroyed or unfinished buildings. These places are usually empty and in some ways, you can find there beds, tables, chairs, shelves, or even wardrobes. People forced to squat always haven't much money so they became homeless. What's more, some of them are sick or just can't afford themselve to rent a flat but they try to make some improvements. They bring furniture there, fix problems with electricity, water supply system and pests. More often property developers or real owners of that buildings evict squatters.

They do it because it is illegal to live in someone's house. In defense of the squatters, I want to say that they got into a difficult life situation and found a roof over the head instead of living on the street.

I've heard one very interesting story about a squatter. The man was living in the flat for about fifteen years and even was paid a 300-a-year maintenance. After that, he went to court and became a legal owner.

I guess that squattering is relevant now because of the economical situation in the world. It was at its peak during the pandemic, while lots of people were dismissed or reduced.

The second

Personally, i used to think it was. The way i looked at it was that it's obviously for me that sportspeople shouldn't be paid so much. Who are they? People who are saving lives or doing something really dangerous and their health is suffering from huge physical activity... No, they have chosen this sport by theirself and they do it because they like. The fact is that it is not really useful skill for society.

ut after listening the audio last lesson i thought that one opinion was really good. The woman said that sportspeople are similar to celebrities or actors. They are paid for their face, the advertisement they do to different companies, wearing their logos and using their products. These people are media personalities but in a little bit a different way that we used to view it. So mostly their salaries are matching to their doings.


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