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Примеры развёрнутого письменного высказывания с элементами рассуждения на основе таблицы/диаграммы задание 40 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)40.1) Healthy nutrition is beneficial for anyone who wants to keep a healthy lifestyle. Yet many people do not stick to it and choose to enjoy fast-food and harmful snacks. Moreover, there is evidence that school canteen can encourage such eating habits, which is reflected in the data I have gathered for my project the aim of which is to explore what schoolchildren buy in the school cafeteria. As the diagram illustrates, 78% of the respondents buy sandwiches. At the same time, just 13% of the participants choose to purchase salad. Although many students buy pizza and pastries, sandwiches are the most popular option. Based on the data analysis, we may detect a certain problem. According to the diagram, more than half of respondents buy pizza, high consumption of which can lead to gaining weight and digestive system issues. One of the ways of solving this problem can be reducing the amount of unhealthy snacks sold in the cafeteria. To sum everything up, we cannot deny that school cafeteria menu have a sizeable impact on children’s well-being, as it plays a significant role in students’ diet, which is clearly indicated by the data from my project.
40.2) Keeping the environment clean is necessary for our cities, public spaces and homes to be functional and beautiful. More and more rubbish is being produced daily and measures to keep it away need to be taken. To find out more about what kinds of action are being done about it I have gathered data for my project exploring teenagers’ contribution to keeping the environment clean. As the diagram illustrates, 95 percents of the respondents use rubbish bins. At the same time, just 18 percent of teenagers save water. Although a noticeable part of people care about saving electricity and water, it is a very small percentage compared to the amount of those who use rubbish bins. Comparing the data, we may conclude that majority of respondents don’t try to save water or electricity. Based on the data analysis, we may detect a certain problem. Just 6 percents of teenagers recycle or upcycle their rubbish. It shows that recycling and upcycling is unpopular among today’s youth, despite being an important One of the ways of solving this problem can be raising public awareness through a series of social media advertisement campaigns. To sum everything up, we cannot deny the importance of proper waste management and sustainable lifestyle in modern civilization. If teenaged youth contributed to it more, it would bring a lot of benefit, since my study shows there is a room for improvement. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): dddl Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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