The ways the students’ financial problems can be solved. Describe your own experience. Financial Literacy for College Students (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Sooner or later all the students find themselves in a trying situation. Lack of money is a burning issue especially for those who get fee-paying education. So what are the ways of solving financial problems for students? And how to avoid becoming penniless? Let me tell you about it. I am a student too. As for me, I live at my parents’ expense because I’m up to my ears in studies and I can’t have a full-time job. However, I earn money being a tutor for pupils. The fee isn’t big but it’s a sort of extra money for me. Moreover, I’m awarded a higher scholarship. So I have private money. And how do I usually spend my money? There are several secrets I follow to organize my expenses wisely. First of all, try to write a list of regular expenses. This way you’ll be able to divide your money according to your needs. For example, write average prices of products you buy every week, notice the amount of money you pay for bills and accommodation. Besides, personally I spend some money on books and transport fee every month. Having a list of these expenses, I can organize my budget carefully. Secondly, resist the temptation to waste money on useless items and clothes that cost a fortune. What is more, there are many discounts and special offers for students. For instance, you can take part in RGD program for students, get a Pushkin card to visit and museums and theaters for free. You can even save money having a transport card. You may also try to save money for unexpected expenses because it’s useful to have some money in case something breaks. And what should you do if you have already faced with the problem of being short of money? Firstly, ask your parents for help and support. You may think that this way you’ll cause inconveniences, but be sure, you parents will help you to find the ways of solving your finical problems. Secondly, try to find a part-time job as a babysitter or a waiter, for instance. To be honest, these jobs are not well-paid and it’s difficult to combine your studies and work. There is one more way to avoid being needy. It’s to be awarded a scholarship. But it’s not an easy matter since you need to be a diligent, conscientious student. And if you pass all the exams perfectly well, you may intend to get even increased scholarship. And the last advice is to borrow some money from your friends. But don’t forget to give it back! I hope, these pieces of advice and my own experience will help you not to live from hand to mouth. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Delova Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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