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Fast food. ЕГЭ по английскому. Эссе (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people say that fast food is tasty yet harmful while others think that fast food is good for us because of our hectic lifestyle.

In my opinion, snacks ruin our health as they are dry and full of fats. They have a lot of chemical additions that spoil our stomach and liver. We eat them too quickly on our way to work or study.

On the other hand, my opponents say that instead of eating healthy food we can play computer games or read some news on the Internet. At the same time, such food is much cheaper and easy to get and does not require any time.

I partly agree with the opposing opinion as it is rather difficult to cook healthy food at work and it takes a lot of time and money. However, I prefer going to the cafeteria and buy inexpensive complex lunch including chicken soup and main course. For the main course, I like to eat buckwheat cereal with a cutlet and vegetable gravy. I don’t have to queue because very few people eat complex lunches.

To sum up, I would say that it is healthier to eat meals which are just cooked. We should avoid fast food to keep ourselves safe and sound.


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