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Примеры описания несколько таблиц/графиков на английском (Школьные сочинения)

Table №1:

The pie chart and the line graph depict data regarding the correlation of age with the level of crime and the types of illegal activity in Great

ritain during 2002. Given information suggest that age may have an impact on what kind of crime a human can commit.

The graph demonstrates that young adults in their 20s dramatically outperformed other age groups and took up a solid 80%. The first modest leap in delinquency can be seen from age of 8 to 12, while after 28 years people turn away from lawbreaking, and the offense rate steadily falls reaching about 9% and disappearing completely after 60 years.

The pie chart indicates that the most widely spread kind of atrocity during 2002 was violent crime standing for 46% - by 1% higher than the sum of property and drug crime being 23% and 22% correspondingly. Violent crime accounted for the largest share since the level of illegal activity among young people was soaring.

Table №2:

The graph depicts changes in the rise of the population in such large-scale Australian cities as Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane between 1992 and 2016. Overall, regardless of serious fluctuations over time, there can be observed a common upward trend meaning that at the end of the period the final value was higher than the initial one.

Despite that fact, Brisbane's population did not experience a strong increase, on the contrary, in the other two cities gains were astronomical.

Moreover, during some years the proportion of people behaved (draw) in a similar way, and indicators for Melbourne and Sydney showed correlation to each other, however, changes in the population of

risbane often did not match those accounted for the former two.

The starting point for Melbourne and Brisbane population was the same and equaled approximately 23 thousand, while for Sydney that number was almost 30 thousand.

However, by 2016 both population of the former and the latter one had skyrocketed reaching around 105 and 110 thousand correspondingly, at the same time

risbane population had stayed at about 50 thousand – twice lower than the indicators at the start of the period.

Furthermore, except for the period from 2002 to 2006 changes in the population of Melbourne and Sydney demonstrated the same pattern that may be seen during enormous growth starting in 2007 slowing in the range of 80 and 100 thousand followed by a severe drop to 70 for former and around 55 for the latter city. Nevertheless, that was not true for the Brisbane population of which increased when others grew in time from 1992 to 1996 or experienced a gradual fall since 2013, while that of Melbourne and Sydney continued their gains.

In conclusion, although abrupt fluctuations were observed during the period all values became higher than they were in the beginning. However, Brisbane was in the position of underdog significantly yielding to Sydney and Melbourne, while both of them most of the period almost accurately follow the same patterns, and their line crossed over each other only a single time.


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