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Social networking sites do more harm than good (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays social networks play a significant role in everyday life. Some people assume that social networks are the best way to keep in touch with friends and family whereas others are convinced that they are full of misleading information.

My personal view is that social networks are very helpful in order to communicate with someone. Firstly, it takes just a few seconds to write a message or record a voice message. One can even delete a message in case it has been sent accidentally. Secondly, most social networks give an opportunity to post some pictures, videos and even music on an account. It enables people to save their memories without being afraid of losing a mobile phone or something like this.

However, there exists another point of view on this issue.

It is believed that social networks are overwhelmed with biased information and violence.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it. Although there can be something negative, it is not a rare situation in the Internet. Even TV sometimes demonstrate crimes but it does not mean that TV should be forbidden.

Taking into consideration everything mentioned above up, it is crucial to understand that everyone finds what he or she searches. If one thinks that social networks do only harm, it is almost impossible to overpersuade such a person. Social networks ease lives and are certainly great.


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