Tourism (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Tourism is an important part of our life. Therefore, we spend a lot of time choosing the country where we want to go. This project work aims to outline the results of a survey carried out to discover, what countries russian tourists prefer going to. I have found some data on this issue and organized it in the table below. I can identify two main features of the statistics presented in the table. The first one is that the majority of tourists cited Turkey as the best country to go in at summer, making this place most popular among russian tourists. And the second key feature is that only 15. 000 people prefer going to Bulgaria, putting this genre at the bottom of the table. It is also worth mentioning that Abkhazia is indisputably more popular with tourists than Cuba. This can be explained by the fact that the price of a holiday in Abkhazia is much lower than in Cuba, which makes many tourists tend to a cheaper option. In my opinion, the statistics in this diagram reveal an important problem. We can see that not all tourists can afford expensive holidays. I think that in order to solve this problem travel agencies should offer more options for people on a tight budget so that they also have the opportunity to see other countries. In conclusion, I believe that tourism is important for people of all ages and everyone should have an opportunity to visit different countries. Tourism allows us to learn new things and expand our horizons. We study the language, cultures, customs and traditions of other countries. It changes us and shapes our personality. I think this experience is necessary for everyone because it also gives us the opportunity to make new acquaintances. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Евгения Крылова Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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