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Does Equality For Women Mean That Women Should Also Do Such Things As Military Service? Discursive Essay (Школьные сочинения)

Had it not been for suffragette and feminist movements, modern women would not have had the ability to vote and work most of the jobs which are available nowadays. Despite that fact, opinion on whether women should be allowed in the military is still divided. While the debate on the necessity of military in general is a whole another story, I strongly believe that equality for women means that they should be working in every field, including military service.

To begin with, if women are not allowed to do every job that men are working in, this does not seem equal to me. According to Cambridge Dictionary, equality is “a situation in which men and women <…> are all treated fairly and have the same opportunities”. Consequently, denying women the opportunity to participate in spheres only men are supposed to shine at, like the military, undermines the whole point of equality.

Secondly, women are just as capable of coping with serving in military as men.

In spite of harmful stereotypes that women are more emotional than men, and therefore less mentally stable, I reckon that it takes guts to bleed monthly, bear a growing parasite inside your body for nine months before it becomes a human being, and then push it out of your vagina, because it requires a lot of mental resources. Moreover, women have been participating in sports competitions and peaked in weightlifting, boxing and martial arts, henceforth, as far as I am concerned, women are not weaker than men by comparison.

Alternatively, there is a difference of opinion on this matter. Most people still have prejudices towards women working in the military and stick to preconceptions that serving the military is for men only. However, I am still convinced that equality for women should include serving in the military. Furthermore, I reckon that these harmful stereotypes preventing women from recruitment should be dispelled.

To conclude, it may seem biased, but I do not see why women should not be recruited for military service. It seems to me that by neglecting half of the population and targeting only men with the recruiting campaign the military is missing out on a lot of potential soldiers.


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