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Exchange program experience (Школьные сочинения)

Home from home.

In March I was studying at a month’s exchange program at the secondary school in London. I lived with two different

ritish families, for two weeks with each one of them, but little did I realize that this would be so exciting when I arrived in England!

At first, it was difficult to get to London because the first plane that I had a ticket for was declined, so I had to buy another one for a later plane, but it was worth it. When I arrived at the airport the first family I lived with took me on a short excursion through the city and the neighborhood where they lived. They showed me most of the attractions in London and told me about its history, which as for me seemed to be grip taking and interesting. I saw the main square, Buckingham Palace, and the river in the center.

In the next two weeks, I was visiting a school near the house I lived in.

After school we used to play board games, that was a wonderful pastime. Nevertheless, the first family was a bit strict, some other students complained about them too. So in the last two weeks, I lived with another family, which was kind and sympathetic, not like the first one. I really liked the first one too, but it was difficult for me to be home already at 8 pm, when my classmates were hanging out.

The second family was always glad to help me with my homework, moreover, they agreed to take me to the national park during the weekends. That was fantastic! They were so kind, so one day I bought them a strawberry cake with coffee beans and chocolate as a gift for their kindness. However, their house was not as big as the one, that the previous family had, so my room was tiny and I could hardly put my clothes in the closet.

Despite the tiring flights, this journey made a good impression on me. I hope to go to London by exchange program again soon and visit the same families I lived with this time. Moreover, I would like to visit this city once more on my own, so I could fully enjoy its beauty and its culture without anybody's help and guidance.


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