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Native speakers make the best language teachers example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Native speakers make the best language teachers.

Nowadays the problem of teaching foreign languages is quite controversial. Most people believe that native speakers can teach someone a foreign language better than a

ussian speaking teacher, while others do not share this point of view.

In my opinion, the best way of learning a new language is to communicate with a person who can speak it since childhood. There are some arguments to support my point of view. Firstly, such people know how to get success in this because they have perfect knowledge of the language. Secondly, native speakers can teach us some slang words which are used by themselves in ordinary life. Thirdly, they have excellent pronouncation which is useful for practicing understanding the language by ears.

However, some human beings consider that a

ussian speaker teacher can educate students in the field of learning a language not worse than the native speakers.

In their view, such a tutor understands

ussian pupils better, that is why it is easier for them to find the correct connection with each of the students.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the opponents’ opinion. I suppose that students can use a translator or a dictionary to understand their native speaker teacher.

To bring my essay to the end, I would like to say that the issue raised in the essay is rather controversial. Nonetheless, I still believe that people should study with native speakers and then they will definitely have more experience, practice and knowledge.


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