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Expand on possible benefits of globalisation (Школьные сочинения)

Needless to say, that lasts years, even before the covid pandemic, the practicability of globalisation was firmly questioned by from ordinary people to professional politicians with cutting edge expertise. However, despite the aggravating contradictions globalisation still has significant advantages to offer.

To begin with, the phenomenon under the consideration was initially developed by economists to benefit all the nations and increase wealth, enhance the level of life of single person, households and stimulate the development of new businesses across the countries. Primarily, worldwide cooperation affords humanity to solve threats of a large scale such as the greenhouse effect, deforestation, poverty, growing population and serious diseases. For instance, definitely the existence of WHO with funding from numerous countries helps humanity to fight malaria in the South Africa, support scientists to make new trials of the drug to conquer cancer and many many more.

Secondly, since opened economies stimulate global competition between companies, they have to embed innovations and come up with inventions to win a customer favour and so get higher income. Thus, we get wider models of products to choose from, it withdraws progress for the new level. Finally, present workers of any expertise have the unique opportunities of mobility to market their labour in any place abroad following the desire of self-realisation, getting a higher salary or just living in the place which fits one’s needs and dreams. Thus, my aunt was unsatisfied with duties she had to accomplish at work as a programmer, ambitions said she can do much more, so, my aunt moved to the Silicon Valley and found investments and made her own start-up. Could you imagine such an experience just a few decades ago?

In brief, regardless of blusterous discussion about whether globalisation functions well or not it gave, give and will give humanity numerous positive opportunities, leading our bright future, such as creating synergy effect from countries working together, fair trade and freedom to travel and settle down wherever we would like.


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