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39 и 40. Every family is a team (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)




October 22nd, 2017

Dear Tommy,

Thanks for your letter! Sorry for not being in touch for so long- I was very busy this month.

In your letter you asked me how I am doing. Everything is fine, I have a lot of interesting hobbies but unfortunately not as much time. As for my plans for weekends in May- my friend from Moscow has offered me to come and live with her for a few days what I am definitely going to do.

But Tommy, we need to speak about you. How did you get these habits? Who taught you to do so? Don’t you know about the negative effect on your health?

But I’ve got to go now! It’s time for the evening walk with my dog.

I hope to hear from you soon.




Nowadays there is a tendency when people are mostly dissociated from their families and so they rely only on themselves. It makes me wonder, what should one do: support their relatives and expect the same in return or struggle their own way in the world alone? In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

In my opinion, it is better not to decline opportunities that family cooperation gives. Firstly, people in families should stay together in order not to be crashed by others because there is always a competition in the world for the best things and nobody can win it alone. Secondly, families are meant to work united because relatives spent much time in each other's company so they know their strong and weak sides.

Other people claim that it is more convenient for a person to stay alone because it is easier to meet his own needs than the needs of a whole family.

I cannot agree with this opinion because such selfishness can turn against a person in a moment because there is no one to have his back and so he can lose everything for his own fault and find himself in a hopeless situation which only family could help to overcome.

To sum up, the problem of family work is still open to discussion but I believe that close relatives should stay united as one so they can look after each other and achieve together what they could not alone.


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