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Humans cloning experiments should be prohibited (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people face a dilemma of duplication of a human. There are two controversial points of views on this issue. Some people claim that human copying experiments should be forbidden.

ut others hold an opposing opinion.

I maintain the idea that cloning experiment should be illegal. Firstly, no one can predict who will be the results of these experiments because cloning is not investigated by scientists enough. Probably, a clone will not be able to adapt to modern society and even will harm other people. Secondly, a person will not be unique anymore. Perhaps, he will lose his personal traits. Subsequently, some people, celebrities, for instance, may become absolutely uninteresting to us.

However, some people believe that man reproduction tests are normal.

The opponent’s main argument that these experiments do not complicate our life and, on the contrary, they make it better. For instance, people have the opportunity to take organs of their clones in case of an incurable disease.

I cannot agree with this opinion, because using a clone as a container for organs violates the norms of morality. In addition, it will help the development of a black market where these organs will be sold.

All in all, there are great deal of opinion but I still believe that human reproduction probes should be taboo.


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