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A University degree is a must for success in the modern world пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Everybody knows that university degree is a very useful thing in a live, especially in the modern world. It helps young people get a successful career but there are some people, who disagree with his opinion.

I am sure that university degree is necessary in modern world. Firstly, education in university is a really hard, so it means that only hard-working, clever and talented people can study there and just a little or even tiny percent of students will be specialists in their area. Secondly, education in university gives students necessary skills in their area of activity. University degree is very important because it shows people’s professional knowledges. Thirdly, university degree gives people advantages when they looking for a job. People with high education are easier get a job and move up the career ladder than people without it.

However, there is alternative point of view.

Some people believe that for success they do not need to have university degree.

eing success or making money depends on personal skills and personality generally. For example, Bill Gates is a billionaire, who founded a company called “Microsoft”. He also drop out of university and starting his own company from nothing. It is means that university degree costs nothing or it is even useless. I do not think so.

I am still concerned that university degree is very important for young people. Of course, there are people, who became successful without full education like Bill Gates, but we all cannot deny an opportunity of becoming successful in life that we have not.

In the end, I think university degree can help young people become successful but it all depends from them.


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