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East or west, home is best (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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No place is better then your own home. Some people think that home is the best place for every single person to stay at. However, there are people who do not think the same way and believe that it is best to live abroad, travel to different countries, see the world and always change the scene not to get bored with tha daily routine.

In my opinion, home is the most important place in every person's life. First of all, for all people, home is associated with the family — with the closest people who will always support and help you if you will ever need that. Second of all, at home, one can relax, sort out her or his thoughts, think about problems to solve because sometimes it is a perfect time to just relax and think in solitude.

However, my opponents claim that there are places much more beautiful and better than home.

A person sees its house almost every day, nothing changes there, every day is similar to the previous one, so people go to other places to diversify their lives. Some of them can not live at one place all the time — they must change houses, flats, see the world (different countries and places of interest) because they can not live without adventures and easily get bored with the same sites.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the opponents’ opinion. Life can be varied and at home: you can always call friends, arrange a party, dare to blow up the film. All this can cheer you up. I certainly believe that your family is the worthiest thing to spend time on: think about all the time you spend outside the house when you can not see your closest ones. Having friends is wonderful but family is the thing that you will not have the entire life. So try to spend as much time as possible with them — you never know when you will get the chance to meet them.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the best place on the planet is home, where you are always welcome and loved.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 0 баллов

1) Существенно превышен допустимый объём. Проверяется только часть текста до предложения Nevertheless, I do not agree with the opponents’ opinion включительно. Соответственно, опровержение противоположной точки зрения, а также вывод считаются отсутствующими.

2) В самом первом предложении автор вместо обозначения предмета дискуссии сразу приводит утверждение, представляющее собой своего рода вывод по теме.

3) В третьем предложении первого абзаца содержится не только обозначение противоположной позиции, но и частичное её обоснование.

4) В мнении автора указывается, что дом – самое важное место для человека, тогда как в теме эссе заявлено, что это лучшее место.

Совокупность допущенных недочётов не позволяет считать коммуникативную задачу решённой.

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