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Ecotourism is beneficial for local people and the environment пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays ecotourism is becoming more and more popular. Some people think that such kind of traveling is harmful for the environment and local residents, while others think differently.

In my opinion, ecotourism is good for both people and the place. Firstly, because it can be a good source of income for the local budget. Tourists can pay a lot of money for the beautiful natural sights, and this money can be spent to keep the reservation area safe and clean. Secondly, ecotourism can help to gain popularity and interest not only to one specific region but to the country where this or that sight is located as a whole. This can increase the prestige and curiosity of travelers, which will attract a lot of tourists to the country.

However, some people think that ecotourism might be dangerous.

By letting people in those areas where they do not suppose to be, one can violate the natural balance and break the ecosystem by excessive noise and pollution, which are extremely bad for animals.

I do not agree with this opinion.

Conservation areas and other natural places which are controlled by the government have special rules which avoid such harmful behavior.

Tourists who will violate those rules will be punished and fined really hard, so it will make all of the visitors to behave properly in such places, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

In conclusion, I would like to restate that ecotourism is a great possibility to save nature and give people an opportunity to enjoy it without negative effects.


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