Some people say that public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Nowadays the problem of public libraries’s actuality has great arguments and controversy. Some people think that everyone starting not to pay attention to them, while others think that public libraries are still in demand. Where is the truth? In my opinion, public libraries will always attract people, especially ones who are really bookworms. Firstly, public libraries have many old books and documents that we may not find in the Internet, not only universities and schools require students to read them, but adults are often interested in reading them through libraries. Secondly, some people need a specific atmosphere to read deeply and studying effectively, in libraries there are mostly very quiet so everyone can concentrate on their reading. Anyway, we have another point of view on the issue: there are people who concerned about public libraries as overlooked and useless. Firstly, there are more and more devices connected to the Internet so that you can find any book you want and read it anywhrere, not every library has many books so people come to libraries and cannot find something for them. Despite my respect for the opinion I cannot share it because not every person still has an access to the Internet and cannot always read it on a screen because of a health issues. Also, if you cannot find a rare book or document you may make a request about it and then get that after some time. Im conclusion, I would like to say that public libraries still attract people with the huge amount of valuable and interesting books and with the unique atmosphere that aims to education. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): INSAYGIRL Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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