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Many people find soap operas because enjoyable and realistic (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the modern world the problem of watching TV shows has great arguments and controversy. Some people think that it is great to watch soap operas while others believe that it is boring and useless time spending. Where is the truth?

In my opinion, soap operas is really pointless and dull activity that takes a lot of time and give almost nothing valuable.

Firstly, most of soap operas are simple and people do not take anything useful from them. It is just a simple, hyperbolized plot without any useful information. Secondly, so many stories and emotions in soap operas are exaggerated and do not even based on real historical events that would tell people something worth watching.

Anyway, we have another point of view on the issue. Some people consider soap operas as something really enjoyable.

Firstly, many subjects and themes that are greatly revealed in soap operas and we can see bright and colorful picture. Secondly, there are stories that filled with funny and really interesting details and thoughts that make people laugh.

Despite my respect on this opinion I cannot share it because not many soap operas have greatly revealed subjects and themes–directors often take primitive plots and try to make it serious and worthy. Moreover, historical and cultural events are hidden in them or mercilessly changed.

In conclusion I would like to say that to educate and enjoy something at the same time it is better to read books, listen to worthy lectors and watch documental films than spend your precious time on soap operas.


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