Expand on reasons for a book success (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Needless to say, throughout centuries there were many debates and quarrels about which factors define the triumph of a book both with critics and audiences. In fact, the book could be considered successful if it has overcome all hardships of publication, social opinions and survived to our generation after numerous changes in culture, fashion and style of life. We can extract which points are common for such books, then the presence of them in any particular book will, to a greater extent, guarantee success. The first vital criterion is possessing eternal questions which have been engrossing for society all the time of human existence. Thus, careful consideration of the problems of the role of identity in history, love and fame, evil and good, careerism and power is what makes “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy still relevant in contemporary society. The second one is that the author confidently holds the mirror up to the modern classes of the epoch the writer has chosen to portray, revealing both vice and dignity of their representatives, like a skilful surgeon penetrates the human body and cuts out the tumour, the author treats society by exposing its most indicative traits and suggesting an adequate way out. Exactly in this way structured his “Trilogy of Desire” Theodore Dreiser, therefore, the American public is still returning to the work of this great writer. Finally, for successful writings are an inherent abundance of locations, heroes; the story unfolds not just linearly but with intriguing twists and gripping references. For instance, on my own astonished by the tightness of all writings by Jules Verne, suddenly depicted events are happening in one universe, decided to buy more books of this author. To conclude, works created a long time ago, but still popular with the public can teach us which criteria define the success of a book. Among them, there are disclosure of immortal verity, reasonable estimation of social classes and, of course, riveting plot with engrossing links to past events. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): CarpenterMil Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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