Самообразование невозможно без навыков работы с компьютером (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)There is no doubt that self-education is one of the most pressing issues in the modern society. Some people are convinced that one cannot educate oneself without knowing how to use a computer, while others believe that information technologies play no part in self-development. In my judgment, self-learning does not depend on computer knowledge. To begin with, numerous libraries in each town or even village provide improved accessibility to all the necessary literature on various subjects. esides, someone can teach oneself by travelling all around the world. Meeting unique people or visiting historic places make an outstanding contribution to broadening human’s mind. Furthermore, joining courses and classes, which are in abundance nowadays, gives every participant an opportunity to acquire all the essential skills. Nonetheless, there are plenty of people who deny the possibility of personal growth in lack of skills in using a computer. They consider that people have the only way to learn by themselves, and it is hardly thinkable without modern technologies because learners can get access to reliable and up-to-date information exclusively by means of them. However, I cannot agree with my opponents’ point of view because we live in the world in which it is quite easy to get any kind of information from varied sources. We cannot ignore the fact that books are republished more often, and coaches select the material for their training sessions based on latest scientific data. To draw the conclusion, I would like to stress the fact that self-education is possible in contexts of technological inefficiency, and the passion of a single person is the only thing defining how feasible it is. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): nikitok12345 Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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