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E-books are gaining more popularity nowadays. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of electronic books and give your opinion (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is common knowledge that e-books are gradually replacing conventional books. This essay will demonstrate that usage of that gadget is rather conducive. It will first suggest that format and an elaborate toolkit are primarily pluses of the device, followed by a discussion of how experience associated with the e-book may be a let down.

To begin with, there are certain upsides to why e-book achieved its fame. Firstly, pocket size, lightness combined with significant durability to the external influences make it must have for those, wishing to read wherever they want.

Therefore, no spare minute will be spent meaninglessly. Secondly, the gadget gives users amazing powers for creativity, writing notes and golden nuggets of wisdom right in the text. Thus, a passionate reader will always have constant access to notes in order to refresh the best moments.

However, there could be disadvantages for those who decide to rely only on digital books. Having all books in one place is a reasonable decision until you do not damage the operating system of your device. Consequently, troubles with electricity or physical memory can lead to a loss of the whole collection not only of the books but notes and highlights you have collected without the opportunity to recover them. Nevertheless, I consider that having a copy on your computer may conquer this negative aspect. Given that the user will accomplish necessary precautions beforehand, chances are high, that the overall experience will be riveting.

In brief, though issues with data safety may be the main drawback of e-book purchase, the gains — both convenience and intelligible user interface - appear to be very clear, in case the reader does not forget to make a backup of his or her digital library.


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