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40.1 Watching YouTube videos is the best way to learn something new (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

8 из 14
Оценка эксперта внизу

Some people claim that the best method to learn something new is to watch videos from YouTube. At the same time, others disagree with this statement. I would like to express my opinion on this issue.

I agree with the point of view that watching YouTube videos is the best way to learn something new. First of all, it is free. Not everyone can afford to pay for tutoring classes on an hourly payment, but there are gratis kind of video clips that could help people. Moreover, this way of learning is more convenient for people, who work a lot and even do not have time for traditional education. Ability to start watching a video lesson from the point where you left off earlier is very useful.

esides, foreign videos often have subtitles that could help to learn other language.

Nevertheless, we can find a contrary opinion.

Some people are sure that only classes with professional teacher are the best way of studying, since it is more efficient.

However, I cannot agree with this opinion because effectiveness of classes does not depend on its method. It is good that someone has ability to learn something new with help of tutor, but it is still not for everybody.

To sum it up, I would like to say that there are different points of view upon this issue, but I still stand my ground and think that the best method to learn something new is to watch videos from YouTube.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 2 балла

1) Противоположная точка зрения, представленная в четвёртом абзаце, не вполне убедительна, потому что видео на YouTube не подразумевают отсутствие профессионального преподавателя. Напротив, на ресурсе миллионы учебных роликов, созданных как раз педагогами. Так что уместнее было бы в этом случае говорить не столько о занятиях с учителем, сколько о занятиях традиционных.

2) В пятом абзаце сомнительна мысль о том, что эффективность занятий не зависит от метода. Думаю, от наличия в основе урока хорошего метода эффективность как раз зависит, а вот не зависит она часто от конкретной формы проведения урока, ведь если человек нацелен получить и усвоить информацию, он это сделает.

К2 (организация текста) – 2 балла

Нарушено абзацное деление – третий абзац необходимо присоединить ко второму.

К3 (лексика) – 2 балла

1) on an hourly payment – on an hourly basis;

2) there are gratis kind of video clips – there are free of charge video clips [Использованное слово gratis встречается в современном английском очень редко. Кроме того, исходная конструкция неверно построена и с грамматической точки зрения];

3) Ability to start – The opportunity to start.

К4 (грамматика) – 1 балл

1) Ability to startThe opportunity to start;

2) to learn other language – to learn other languages / another language;

3) classes with professional teacher – classes with a professional teacher;

4) because effectiveness of classes – because the effectiveness of classes;

5) depend on its method – depend on their method;

6) has ability – has an ability;

7) with help of tutor – with the help of a tutor.

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 1 балл

1) convenient for people, who work – convenient for people who work;

2) esides Besides;

3) studying, since it is more – studying since it is more.

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