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Last month our class went to Washington (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

. . . Last month our class went to Washington. It was my first visit there and it was fun! Have you travelled much around

ussia? Where would like to go if you have a chance? Why would you like to go there, what places of interest would you like to see? Is there anything interesting in the region where you live?

This summer we plan to go to the mountains with my parents. . .




Dear Jane,

I’m so glad to get your letter. Sorry that I couldn’t write you earlier as I was abroad.

You asked me about traveling around

ussia. I was in many

ussian cities: Sochi, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, the Crimea etc. To tell the truth, if I had a chance, I’d love to go to Pyatigorsk, the place of healing mineral waters and Mikhail Lermontov’s fame.

To feel the history of the outstanding poet, the Lermontov’s Grotto must be certainly visited by me. Despite this I adore my own city: Golden Horn


usskiy Island – what a beauty!

egarding your mountain trip, you are excited about it, aren’t you? What mountains will you climb on? Will they be high peaks?

Sorry, I need to go, my tutor is coming.

Write back.



Words: 136




Dear Jane,

I’m so glad to get your letter. Sorry that I couldn’t write you earlier as I was abroad.

You asked me about traveling around

ussia. I was in many

ussian cities: Sochi, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, the Crimea etc. To tell the truth, if I had a chance, I’d love to go to Pyatigorsk, the place of healing mineral waters and Mikhail Lermontov’s fame. To feel the history of the outstanding poet, the Lermontov’s Grotto must be certainly visited by me. Despite this I adore my own city: Golden Horn


usskiy Island – what a beauty!

egarding your mountain trip, you are excited about it, aren’t you? What mountains will you climb on? Will they be high peaks?

Sorry, I need to go, my tutor is coming.

Write back.



Words: 136


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