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Nature is powerful enough to oppose any harmful human interference 331 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is generally suggested that mother nature’s ecosystem can stand malicious intervention of people. However, a significant number of scientists disagree with this statement and support the opposite point of view.

To my mind nature can oppose harmful human issues as modern activists and people who care about nature tent to deny using plastic items and non-ecofriendly transportation. Moreover, government holds the ecological protection policy and funds various natural fonds and projects.

esides, nature forces are likely to recover in some period of time.

Nevertheless, some scientists may claim that mother nature can’t oppose malignant human inventions since a big number of animal species died due to human actions in biological fragile ecosystem. In addition, in XXI century people have already come across such global problems as the greenhouse effect and the blind holes.

Personally, I can’t fully agree with scientists’ opinion because nature tends to create new species during the progressive evolution. What is more, many plants and factories reduce non-ecofriendly technologies and help nature to recover.

To sum up, I’m convinced that nature will be able to stand malignant human interference since modern society uses pure ecological systems and reduces the amount of polluting technologies even though some scientists claim that humankind has already damaged ecosystem a lot.

Words: 210


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