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The Internet has greatly revolutionised the modern world (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

We live in the century of digital technologies and the question of the Internet’s impact on our society has been widely discussed. Some people claim that the Web has made the modern world revolutionise, while others hold an opposite view.

In my judgment, the Internet has not only set us on the new path of development, but also greatly changed our lives indeed. To begin with, the access to using the Web gives us the opportunity to communicate with different people from all over the world. Consequently, this may lead to the improvement of our social skills. In addition, according to some recent studies, the appearance of the Internet made the general level of the population pay more attention to self-education. Due to diverse available online resources one may broaden the horizons and achieve success in studying.

Against this background, there are individuals who choose to believe that the Internet has only made our world regress.

They say that millions of people are suffering from the Internet addiction nowadays and the number of such population is increasing rapidly.

To a certain extent, it is right. At the same time, despite causing indescribably serious health problems, the Internet remains one of the most reliable resources with the contribution of which people find the medicaments they need, arrange counsels with doctors and so on.

To sum it up, I still believe that the Internet has brought the undeniable revolution to the modern world. It still makes our society develop fast and gives us many opportunities.


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