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Show me your room and I will tell you who you really are (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

We live in the 21st century and there is a popular opinion that your room tells a lot about you. Some people believe that one’s personality may be judged by the way his or her living place looks, while others hold an opposite view.

To my mind, it is definitely possible to say a few words about one’s persona when it comes to taking a look at his or her room. To begin with, various attributes of a living place may clearly delineate what your profession is. For instance, if there are different musical instruments in a room, it is very possible that this room’s owner is a musician. In addition, the place you live in may tell a lot about your personal qualities. In this case, if you keep your room untidy, then you are probably disorganized and lazy.

Against this background, there are individuals who choose to believe that a room tells nothing about its owner.

According to their point of view, most people, for example, are so busy with their working process that they do not have enough time to clean their flats and therefore may not be judged by the way their rooms look.

To a certain extent, it is right. However, it is a scientific fact that the vast majority of people just find excuses for not keeping their flats tidy and, as it is generally known, their jobs are one of those excuses. Still, a messy room illustrates some negative qualities of its owner.

To conclude, I truly believe that the way your room is kept demonstrates your personal qualities, way of life, profession and so on.


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