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High school students should study only the subjects they choose на 14 баллов (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is believed that pupils in high school should have an opportunity to study the disciplines they want to. Some people are absolutely sure about this statement, whereas others mention that it is not a good idea to give students this right to choose.

In my opinion, pupils in high school should be able to make a decision about learning disciplines completely on their own. Firstly, it is undeniable that choosing subjects can encourage students to study harder and better. Obviously, in this way they are really interested in getting good marks and passing exams successfully. Secondly, choosing personal subjects provides students to gain deep knowledge in the areas they are keen on. Thus, pupils can make a good base for their future career.

Nevertheless, other people say that it would be much better for students if they were taught all the disciplines learning at school.

For instance, adults having a life-long experience allege that this provides for pupils in high school a great level of comprehensive education, which could be rather useful in future.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it because I think that no one can guarantee that studying all the classes means that students are extra-developed. Undoubtedly, they need to do many homework tasks, attend a lot of lessons and thus they usually get only surface knowledge, which cannot be supposed beneficial.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that it is a good idea to give students this important right of choosing classes. It can help them a lot to prepare for an adult life and discover yourselves.


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