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Morning of the evening is wiser (Школьные сочинения)

"The morning of the evening is more complicated" - an amazing formula for getting out of a difficult situation. It's an old

ussian proverb. It is used as a consolation phrase when all possible options are reviewed, and the answer has not been found. And a person can only hope that something wonderful will happen overnight and the issue will be resolved by itself.

The meaning of the proverb: in the morning it is better to decide. When a decision is postponed until tomorrow morning, because they hope that something can change overnight, in the morning everything will look different, and the rested person will make a better decision than the night before, when he is tired and can make a mistake.

Example from life: in the morning, thanks to insight, an example in algebra is easily solved, over which a schoolboy "struggled" in the evening to no avail.

y the end of the day, a person, even if he has to solve complex and urgent tasks, accumulates nervous tension and fatigue.

Example from the literature: 1) - Then we will not go anywhere here and spend the night, and in the morning we will look there… Tomorrow is another day (S.

Semenov, "the life of Makar»);

2) "I walk home through the sleeping village, Lusha thought that the morning of the evening is more complicated, that tomorrow everything will be forgotten and life will flow as before. " (S. Antonov, " Aunt Lusha»);

3) - Let's go home, okay? You'll spend the night at my place, and then we'll see. The morning of the evening is more complicated. (B. Polevoy, "Deep rear").

In the evening, we can't do business as hard as we do in the morning or afternoon. And so, putting things off for the morning, people say: "The morning of the evening is wiser. " You will wake up in the morning, and with new strength you will get to work!


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