Travelling by air (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Nowadays people face a difficult decision when they choose travelling by air or more habitual way of transferring. Personally, I think that air travel is a necessity when you plan a long distance trip. Firstly, it can help you to save your time. You can spend your time doing your favourite activity. For example, you can read a book, watch a film or listen to music. Secondly, travelling by air is more exciting than all other ways. You can look at wonderful landscapes and snow-white clouds. And finally, this way of travelling is the most convenient, because of easy process of making arrangements. There is no need to stay in long lines, you can book tickets in advance by phone or on the Internet. such trips are a great way to explore the world around you and learn a lot of new things. you can enjoy the flight and watch what is happening outside the window. Opponents of this view do not like travelling by air. They believe, that air trip is very dangerous. Moreover not everyone can afford high price tickets. there are people who are afraid of heights and suffer from air sickness. I believe that it is better for them to refrain from flying by plane and choose other ways of movement. For example by train, by car, and so on. Nevertheless, as is generally known, for every complicated problem there is a simple solution. To sum up, it is up to you to decide whether to travel by plane or not. However, I still believe that air travel saves time and give you an opportunity to explore the world around. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Лия Внимание! Спасибо за внимание.