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Розовая ленточка (Школьные сочинения)

This story is about an incredible love. Why the incredible one?

ecause love began in his youth and continued even when James's wife fell ill. She was mad and mentally ill.

They were both elderly. Maddie, James's wife, couldn't do anything on her own, and her husband took care of her. He braided her hair, cooked her food, because she could not cook herself, used an avocado stone instead of a spoon, took flour and coffee instead of food, and thought that it was possible to eat and eat.

A man from worries for his loved one and loneliness often recalled the time when they were young, their sex…

One day, as James was putting his wife to bed, someone knocked on the door. She was a young, gorgeous girl. She was talking about needing help. James didn't dare let her in at first, but then he let her in. He liked her very much, he offered her whiskey, she agreed, then his wife woke up and started yelling that there were strangers in the house. The girl saw her sick wife and was a little afraid, James began to apologize to her.

Then the girl left.

James kept thinking about this girl, because she couldn't be real, she was a Ghost, James thought.

After a while, she came back with a box of chocolates and a doll for his wife to apologize and thank for saving her. The candy was called "

lack magic»

They sat and talked, and James began again to talk about his wife, and to say that he did not believe that she was real…The girl's name was Didi. She confirmed that she wasn't real…

However, as she left, James looked at the glass from which she had been drinking, and there was a trace of her lipstick on it, but there was nothing left of ghosts, James thought.

This is a very interesting, exciting and intriguing story. I believe this girl Didi was his wife when he was young…He kept thinking about it. And being with a person who has mental health problems is very difficult, and perhaps because of this, James also began to have something going on with his mind and it began to seem that his wife came to him in his youth.

Why do I think this one was Maddie?

ecause he felt some kind of closeness with her. . . and you can only feel that with someone you care about very much. He was attached to his wife, but he wanted something more, or just to take time back.

Perhaps this is not about the positive side of great love, but rather about what love can do to a person…

ut I don't know what that pink ribbon means. In our world, it means fighting cancer, but Maddie didn't have cancer.

I also had the idea that maybe his wife is already dead, and it seems to him that she comes to him in the form of a young beautiful girl.


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