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The public transport system in Moscow (Школьные сочинения)The citizens of Moscow were asked several questions about the public transport system in their city in order to give us an understanding of what could be improved. The public transport systems availability. The citizens expressed satisfaction with the availability of Moscow public transport. They are impressed by the cost of the subway ride, which is used by a large majority of Moscow residents. Even more, the subway is considered to be the easiest and the fastest way to get to another place. However, ground transport is too expensive if you do not have a universal ticket, which is not the best solution for people who do not use public transport that often. Tourists might like the other type of traveling if they will not be able to get anywhere they want by bus. The strengths of the public transport system. Due to a telephone survey which was conducted in 2014 the subway in Moscow is safe enough thanks to the subway security and local police officers. Moreover, ground transport such as buses and trains are safe enough too, so people can use them with no fear. You always can see police patrols guarding the subway stations or trains. Suggestions for improvements. Despite all the advantages of public transport in Moscow, there are some improvements which are required. One of the disadvantages of public transport is the dirtiness of the buses and trains. After a long day, people would not like to go home on an unclean train. This is why public transport should be cleaned more often. After all, there are not only citizens who use public transport but tourists that would like to see beautiful landscapes and buildings. This is why the capital city of Russia with its transport represents the culture of our hometown. So let our trains and buses stay tidy from day today. Please let us know if you would like us to expand on these suggestions. We wish the public transport system in Moscow to be clean and well-secured, so everyone could feel safe and sound while using it in daily life. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Doomy Yamy God Внимание! Спасибо за внимание.