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Review on “Anna Karenina” by Alexei Tolstoy (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It seems to me that we call a favorite book that we read at the right time, thanks to it, perhaps, we were able to discover something new in ourselves, solve a problem, or find an answer to a long-exciting question. For me, such a work turned out to be Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina".

in the novel, the story is not only about the personal life of the main character, as it may seem from the title of the work. It has several storylines that are closely interrelated. In parallel, the story is about kitty Shcherbatskaya, who suffered from unrequited love, but eventually found family comfort and peace; about Konstantin Levin, who is looking for peace of mind and the meaning of life; about the disagreements and ordeals of Dolly and Stiva Oblonsky, and so on. In addition, the novel reflects social changes in society, shows the life and life of not only noble families, but also peasants, describes the ways of farming and various opinions of the nobles about the transformation of their estates. However, the work is not limited to socio-psychological problems.

Tolstoy is not only a writer and publicist, but also a religious thinker. The theme of religion, acceptance of birth and death occupies an equally significant position in the novel. It is no accident that the only Chapter to which the author gives a title is called "Death". One of the main characters, Konstantin Levin, whose prototype was Tolstoy himself, is characterized by philosophical reflections on faith.

I can say with confidence that Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina" is so versatile that everyone can find a part of themselves in it, as I did. It can be called a work for all time. The personal quest of the characters, social problems and philosophical questions raised in it will always be in demand. Books give us an invaluable life experience, and you can read your favorite work over and over again, discovering new details in it. This is what Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina became for me.


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