Life in large family (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Some people believe that life in a large family has many advantages. Others, however, do not agree with this point of view. My personal opinion is that it is good to live in a big family. To begin with, as a child you always have someone to play with. When you live in a large family, you never get bored because you are surrounded with people, with whom you can always talk to. Furthermore, you also learn to interact with others from early childhood, which is beneficial for developing communication skills. And finally, older siblings can teach their brothers and sisters things they know themselves. Opponents of the view find a lot of disadvantages in life in a large family because children usually do not have their own room and have to share toys, clothes and other things as well. Moreover, many people believe that if you live in a large family, you get less attention from your parents. I completely disagree with this point of view. If children learn to share from early childhood, this teaches them to think about others and not to be selfish. It goes without saying, the only child in a family is used to being the centre of attention, which can cause him problems in adulthood. Thus, having siblings helps people to avoid such difficulties. Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I am convinced that living in a large family has more pros and cons and also it helps us form a responsible and reliable person. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Лия Внимание! Спасибо за внимание.