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Mink slaughter in Denmark (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about mink slaughter in Denmark due to the fear of COVID-19 mutation.

Personally I believe that the mass murder of minks is an extremely cruel measure but we definitely need to do something with this virus. To begin with, mink farms are an effective incubator for accelerated virus evolution. There are a lot of minks on farms, which infect each other and therefore the virus accumulates mutations faster in their populations. Furthermore, the virus can be transmitted back from minks to people. It became clear from the fact that in the samples of sick farm workers there were viruses with typical minks’ mutations. And finally, the virus from minks is transmitted not only to humans but also to other animal species such as macaques, ferrets and cats.

It means that mutated COVID-19 will spread even more rapidly.

There are a lot of animal rights activists among the opponents of this view. They believe that government had no right to mass extermination of minks. Moreover, there are about seven hundred farms, where animals are bred for fur in Finland. One hundred and fifty of them with minks but there are no outbreaks of the disease anywhere.

Of course, we should not sit back in this situation but there is a great deal of truth in what they say.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I think that there is a way out in any situation and Danish government has overreacted with such an urgent destruction of minks.


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