School (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)School plays very important role in the life of every single person. We can learn a lot of subjects and languages which can help us in our future life. Also we communicate and make a lot of friends at school. The most about school I like our teachers because all of them are very educated, smart and responsive. They are always support us and care about us. It is very cute from them and I really appreciate it. Well, I really like to study, my favorite subjects are social science, biology, physical trainers, English and mathematics. But I also have lessons that I do not like. This lesson is chemistry. I do not understand it, this lesson is very boring for me. On Wednesday we are usually have two lessons of chemistry. That is the reason why Wednesday is the most difficult day of the week for me. I really like that school life I have, but there are some things that I really would like to change. For example, I want to have more free time after school for some extra activities and for things that I like to do, for my hobbies. Also sometimes I even don’t have time for relaxation. Also I really would have more time between the lesson to communicate with our classmates or to go to canteen. To sum up I would like to say that these time that we are spending in the school will certainly help in our future. All the knowledge that we get at school make us more smarter, wise and it broadens our horizons. Also communicating and making friends at school is always fun for me. And It’s a very good experience as well. I really love my school, I love studying there and really enjoy the time that I spend here. I want to say that school has a lot of advantages. Appreciate it! Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Этоя Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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