What attracts me in the idea of travelling? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)I like to travel, as many people do. I haven't visited many places and countries in my life, but every trip was special and memorable. In summer I enjoy travelling with my family and there are several reasons for this. First of all, making a trip is a good way to spend time with my parents. We are all busy with our daily round at home and nothing brings the family members together like a journey. It is a great opportunity to get incredible memories and photos that will be pleasant to remember in the future. Secondly, travelling is a change of air. After hard study, it's so nice to go somewhere in order to leave all the worries in the past. I think any trip allows a person to look at his life from different sides, forget about boredom and get the emotions that were so lack during the stressful work. The last reason to travel is to broaden my experience of the world. It’s not a secret that traveling is not only relaxation and idleness, but also getting new knowledge about nature, about the lives of other people and the history of different places. Now a person can learn a lot of information and even see the sights and beautiful places of our planet on the Internet. However, if you see it all with your own eyes, it brings much more impressions and memories for us. Personally, I love museums and ancient buildings, because looking at them get me into a new world. In conclusion I would like to say that our life is too short to waste time on boring things, so I’ll try to visit as many places as possible and see all the beauty of our planet. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Аля Егорова Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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