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Some people prefer to eat out, however, many people still like to cook meals at home (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Food is an essential part of our lives, without which people cannot fully perform the usual actions. The issue of where to eat is controversial. Some people believe that cafes or restaurants are the most suitable places, but there are those who argue that such places will never substitute home.

Personally, I think that conventional preparing meals at home is of many advantages. First of all, it is more safer to eat at home because a person knows from what ingredients food is prepared. Moreover, it saves money because at restaurants people pay not only for the food, but also for the cooking process, tallages. Therefore, homemade food is cheaper.

However, others reckon that eating out is more preferable because it has various advantages, one of which is saving time. It is not time-consuming because a person should not go to the store to buy food and then stand for a long time at the stove.

Nevertheless, I still stand my ground. I think that to get to the restaurant a person should spend a certain amount of time. Besides, one should have patience to wait for the order because sometimes a dish can be prepared for a long time.

To sum up, I firmly believe that cooking at home is more expedient. Despite the fact that cooking meals with one's own hands is a painstaking work, a person can be sure of the food quality which ia a significant element of maintaining health.


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