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University education is essential for young people пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, opinions about the importance of university education vary. Somepeople consider university education to be vital for adolescents. However, other disagree with this point of view.

In my opinion, tertiary education is indispensable for young people. To begin with, University education provides opportunities for personal growth, because universities allow students to meet and interact with like-minded people which helps to become a more rounded person. In addition, academic education allows the freedom to decide on a line of career. Universities provide a whole range of courses students can major in and opportunities to select career-specific courses. These courses allow you to choose your career.

Nevertheless, there are people who believe that higher education is insignificant for teenagers.

They claim that teenagers do not need to get higher education, because it is possible to find a lucrative job without a university degree. Moreover, university fees are high, therefore, it is unaffordable for most people.

However, I disagree with the above stated opinion. I strongly believe that university education provides a broader range of opportunities and a more rewarding career, as most employers target university graduates. Besides, money

invested in higher education will return, because a university graduate will earn more than someone that didn&ීt enter into higher education.

To sum up, I am convinced that university education is essential for young people, because it provides better career prospects and financially stable future.


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