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Playing videogames is a complete waste of time. Role of computer games in our life (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is believed, that people waste time playing computer games. Some people claim, that videogames are useless. While others have an opposite opinion about computer games. The advocates of it strongly believe, that videogames can help people to develop some skills.

As far as I am concerned, computer games can be helpful for a big amount of people. To start with, some people have communication problems. so it is very difficult for them to make friends. Moreover, communication issues — are often at the root of conflicts in our everyday lives.

This is why, playing a computer game over the network, communicating with big amount of gamers can help them to improve their communication skills and even find like-minded person not only to play with, but also to speak, share secrets and leisure and become friends. Moreover, most of videogames develop people's reaction. And this skill is definitely very important for everyday life too.

However, there are people with another point of view. They say, that it is impossible to learn anything useful, interesting from computer games. Such people think, that videogames are senseless and only can negatively affect on gamers. They say, that videogames do not have any benefits.

I totally disagree with these statements. First of all, a lot of computer games are based on real historical events. Such games contain a huge amount of interesting details about events in the past. A person, who plays such type of games, can learn not only general information about history events, but also thanks to good graphics and plot gain knowledge about clothing features and customs of that time. Moreover, nearly all videogames develop your concentration and attention to details, increase you reaction speed.

In conclusion, I would like to stress my point of view. I strongly agree with the statement, that videogames are not worthless amusement only wasting time. They can help a lot of people to make friends, learn something new and develop their skills. For sure, computer games are a great leisure activity, which can be not only joyful, but very useful.


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