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Doing sports is essential for young people. / Education is the most valuable thing for a teenager (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about their health. It goes without saying that doing sports is necessary for health especially for young people.

In my opinion, sport is truly an important part of life for young people. To beginning with, sport makes you more strong and active. You have more energy for studying or working, if you do sport. Moreover, doing sport makes you healthy for many years. There are so many elderly people who look very well in their ages because they have been doing sport all their life.

However, some people have another point of view.

They say that doing sports is not necessary for youth because when you are young, you have enough health and energy without sport. Moreover, doing sports takes too much time.

Actually, I disagree with the opinion above. I think that doing sports is the contribution to our future. If we want to be healthy in the future, we should start caring about it now.

In conclusion, I would like to say that is a personal choice of everyone to do sports in youth or not but I still believe that doing sport is essential for young people.

Education is the most valuable thing for a teenager.

Nowadays education plays vital role in everyone’s life. Some people say that teenage years are the best time for studying. However, some people think differently.

In my opinion, it is very important to get education in young age. Firstly, educated people are more demanded on the labor market. Secondly, you will have no time for studying as an adult but there is much free time when you are a teenager.

Nevertheless, there is an opposite point of view on the question. Some people consider that adolescence is time for hobbies, friends, computer games. They say that teens should take pleasure of their life.

As for me, I do not agree with the opinion above. I think that education is the main thing for teens. It does not mean that they should study all their free time. Teenagers should combine their hobbies with education but they must understand that they need to do all their best in studying to become educated and successful people.

Taking into conclusion all mentioned above, I would like to say that education is the most valuable thing for teenagers because their future depends on it.


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