Fluency in English will allow you to be a translator (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)The problem of influence of foreign language on a person's life has always aroused heated debates. Some people are convinced that the strong knowledge of any language is enough to get a lot of opportunities in professional field as an interpreter. However, the others believe that work, which is connecting with translate, requires a large understanding, a special university education and also well-tried qualification. Let us speculate what makes them think so. I cannot but agree that fluent in a language is a key to success in work as an interpreter. Firstly, the most important thing in the work of a interpreter is the ability to translate what was said on time in order to the conversation to be of high quality. Secondly, only a professional in his field, who is well adapt in the language, has the ability to translate fluently. Thirdly, a person who knows the language without special university education proves that he is disciplined and decent to be an employee. However, not all people share my opinion. They suggest that the most important thing in this profession is good knowledge in various fields and not fluency. Moreover,the interpreter needs to have the suitable education and not just learn on their own. Nevertheless, I do not support the above-mentioned ideas. One should take into account the fact that professionalism is measured by skills and practice, as well as fluency. All in all, fluency in using the language is definitely the key to success. But despite the arguments of various skeptics I am convinced that speed in applying knowledge is the highest degree of professionalism. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): ZoeK Внимание! Спасибо за внимание.