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Human cloning experiment should not be controlled by the government (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about cloning experiments. Some people think that the government should control it, while others disagree with them. Let us consider different opinions about this question.

In my opinion, the government should allow scientists to work freely. There are some things to be said in favour of my point of view. Firstly, human cloning experiments will be more successful, if scientists have freedom of actions and financial independence, so they can be sponsored by world organizations and a country's economic situation will not influence on the experiments. Secondly, scientists from different countries will achieve their goal faster only when they work together. Moreover, their work will be a discovery of the whole world and all countries will be equal.

The most common argument against this opinion is that the government should control cloning experiences because they can be dangerous.

I am afraid I cannot agree with this opinion because scientists work for humanity and science itself.

They, like doctors, give a vow to bring peace and good.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I believe that cloning should develop independently from politicians because only then there will be a result, which will be the most important breakthrough in human's history.


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