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Generation gap cannot be avoided (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Spacing between generations is one of the most popular problems in our modern world. Some people consider that it is an inseparable part of the family. However, there are plenty of people who believe that this problem can be solved. This issue requires further consideration.

Personally I think that generation gap issue can be resolved. Firstly, nowadays there are many young parents so children can easily become friends with their parents, be understood by family members and get enough support. Secondly, attentive and careful parent is supposed to find the most suitable way to socialize with the offspring and try his or her best to stay in friendly relationship with a kid. Responsible parent will not meet such a problem as the generation gap.

However, some people disagree with aforementioned opinion.

According to them, generation gap is an unsolvable problem. Their reason is that people of different ages can have controversies about too many things from world outlook to simple household duties.

Still I cannot share this position. In some cases, when the problem is becoming more serious, parents can just go to a specialist to understand kid’s psyche better. Psychologists have been exploring generation gap for many years, so they would be able to provide help.

Overall, despite certain arguments against, I think generation gap can be avoided with parents’ young age, their proper responsibility or expert’s advices taken into account.


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