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Gone with the wind (Английская Литература)

In my opinion, the main theme in the book is survival. The story is set in the southern states of America during the Civil War. As I see it, the message that the author wants us to understand is that sometimes to survive you have to adapt and let go of old things, values and beliefs. 

In “Gone with the Wind”, Scarlett, the protagonist, finds strength to adapt to the new conditions and overcome terrible obstacles on her way. After the Yankees win the war, Scarlett's life is turned upside down: first of all, she has to take care of her family and to find a way to feed them. Having survived hunger and poverty, Scarlett swears to herself that her family will never starve again and finds a way to provide for them. She buys wood mills, which are a great investment because wood is needed to rebuild the cities destroyed during the war.

Moreover, the society that Scarlett is used to living in no longer exists. The slaves are now free, but the South is not ready for this change, so the Ku Klux Klan appears. Murders and executions bring new chaos to the country. 

I think that Scarlett is a very inspiring and admirable character. She shows the reader the power of human spirit, how a person can adapt to anything and get through terrible events in their life. So, I believe it is true that to survive, you have to adapt. 

In conclusion, the novel illustrates the violence, hunger, poverty and struggles of people, all brought by war. But it is not about the war - it is about the survival and ability to adapt. Even if old lifestyle, old values and beliefs are gone with the wind, it is important to find strength to get through times like these. 


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