Teenagers are too immature to be punished for any crimes (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)There is no single opinion if people under the legal age should be prosecuted for offending a crime. Some people think that there is no room for mentioning the age while breaking the law is breaking the law while other consider that harsh punishments can ruin children’s lives.
As for me, I adhere to the opinion that law should be strict to everybody. To start with, teenagers who have committed crime are as dangerous for the society as mature people. Moreover, if young outlaws do not face any sentence for breaking the law they remember that they can offend crimes with impunity while they are ‘immature’.
However, some people insist on not punishing the children. They suggest paying the penalty by teenagers’ parents as they are the ones who should be blamed for lack of mentoring. They also emphasise that mentioning of troubles with the law can be an ordeal in the process of entering the university. People are biased towards former criminals and it is rotten luck to youngsters who have the whole life ahead of them.
Though I cannot agree with that opinion. Penalising children who are convicted of a crime also prevents them of reoffending crimes in mature age. Punished on time, they become law-abiding persons later.
All in all, every crime requires punishment despite the age of the criminal. Though the crime offended is the guilt of parents and obstacle for teenagers’ future life, punishing children on time is a save for society and a life lesson for children, who will probably never commit crime nor being under legal age nor in mature life. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Azzaires Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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