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Some forms of popular music are influential in shaping teenagers' opinions (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are a lot of kinds of music. Teenagers enjoy listening rock, indie, and especially pop. Some experts emphasize that some forms of popular music are influential in shaping teenagers’ opinions. Others disagree stating that its influence should not be called so significant factor in personal development of teenagers.

Personally I believe that popular music cannot be the most influential factor which forms opinions of young generation. There are many things that need to be said in favour of my point of view.

Firstly, let us start by considering the facts. It is generally agreed that the opinion of everybody is multiplicate; it is being built with the help of getting information from different sources, the opinions of associates, own judgements, televesion, the Internet, etc.

And music is not the final factor in forming of our own opinions.

Secondly, nowadays teenagers can listen to a great number of music. They are able to choose what they want. This music is not always provocative, wild, and aggressive. A majority of young people adore romantic melodies, tender songs which touch love themes or talk about the sense of life.

Thirdly, if parents are interested in that their children listen to good music they should help them to choose suitable tracks. Moreover, these actions must be exclusively advisory, not compulsory. Parents can encourage alternative songs and think about development of musical tastes.

My opponents can say that teenagers frequently choose aggressive rap-music and hip-hop. But it also depends on musical taste which can be educated. For example, teenagers who study in musical schools and colleges often listen to classical compositions and modern masterpieces. That fact proves that musical tastes can be instilled on teenagers.

To sum up, I want to say that music is one of the most significant parts of our life. Maybe that does not influent on our opinions but we live with it. Music accompanies us everywhere inspiring us and making us feel joyful and happy.


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