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Popular leisure activities among teenagers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that nowadays young people have a lot of activities to do in their free time. It helps them to take a break from studying and relax. I am currently working on an important project to find out what leisure activities are most popular among teenagers who live in Zetland. I have found some useful statistics for my project in the form of a table, to help give my opinion on the subject.

In brief, the statistics shows the popularity of each leisure activity, in percentage. According to the data, surfing the Internet is the most popular, with 46 % of people choosing it. Notably, 26 % of those surveyed choose fitness. Playing video games has the lowest popularity rating with just 3% of the respondents selecting it.

Clearly, the table shows a significant difference in the leisure activities that people opt for.

Swimming is a great deal more popular than football, having a 20% popularity rating, against only 5 %.

It is important to note that the statistics point to an underlying problem. As surfing the Internet is the most popular leisure activity, it is clear that a lot of people spend too much time online. This can lead to problems with sight and posture. Moreover, they can become withdrawn and uncommunicative, as they spend too much time in the virtual world. However, this problem can be solved if people will reduce the time spent on the Internet by walking outside or starting active hobbies.

In conclusion, I believe that adolescents will choose leisure activities wisely because they should to be not only interesting but useful.


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