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Daphne du Maurier — Rebecca Retelling Chapter 4 (Школьные сочинения)

The day of the departure came at last. The fact was Mrs. Van Hopper was waited for in New York, moreover she was tired to death of Europe. The heroine, as her companion, was of course expected to come with her and that's why they started packing their trunks. You see, Daphne must have been used to moving from one city to another frequently, however that time she couldn't get rid of the feeling of sadness as she expected she would never see Max again.

In the evening she went down to the hall on the pretext of getting luggage labels hoping to have run into Maxim de Winter and to bid him last good bye, as she was in love with him, but unfortunately he had left the hotel before. I think, it was the thing Daphne couldn't get over.

Daphne cried that night and in the morning, however despair must have made her forget modesty and pride. So she rushed to Max's room and hammered at the door. He let her enter the room and inquired what had happened to friend-of-the-bosom and wondered whether he could help her out.

She told him about the departure, it made Maxim feel shocked immediately, he couldn't believe her words. After a while he insisted on having breakfast with him, and then to her greatest surprise proposed marriage.

I believe that Daphne must have doubted of course whether he was honest with her.

But he contradict and convinced her that he was serious in his proposal, consequently, they made a decision to break the news to Mrs. van Hopper.

You see, it was Maxim who was to explain everything to Mrs. van Hopper, as Daphne was frightened of her anger. Hardly had Maxim gone out when Daphne remembered about the book which Rebecca had presented Max.

y the way, the heroine took the scissors and cut out the title page with

Rebecca's slanting writing because she must have been jealous of her. Then she came up to her companion at last

Frankly speaking, the older woman wasn't pleased at the news at all, because she thought Daphne to be attached to her. Of course she realized how her companion had spent her days, while Mrs. van Hopper had been taken ill with influenza.

Besides, she accused the Daphne of having deceived her about her activities in Monte Carlo, and she warned her that she would never manage as the mistress of Manderley. It goes without saying, Daphne felt regret, however she couldn't do but follow Max.


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