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Daphne du Maurier — Rebecca Retelling Chapter 3 (Школьные сочинения)

To tell the truth Daphne and Maxim de Winter used to drive together frequently and all of a sudden the heroine found herself hopelessly falling in love with him. Every morning he waited for her in his car, and when her saw her he smiled. After a while he inquired where she wanted to go.

You see it didn't matter for her where to go. Even driving round in circles was enough as the only thing she wanted was sitting beside him with the map upon her lap..

But, unfortunately, quickly the hours flew by and it was next to impossible to make these moments last longer. How she wished somebody had invented how to save memory like a perfume. Maxim de Winter didn't turn to her while driving the car, he went on watching the road ahead

One day he asked her what moments she would like to save if she could, of course. She admitted, that she wanted to keep all moments like that one forever.

Then Daphne took courage to accuse him of "charity" toward her. The fact was, he was queerly kind and polite to her, consequently, she couldn't help asking him. She added, the only thing she knew about him was that he had lived in Manderley and his wife had drowned accidentally. After these words the man became silent, as the girl must have uttered forbidden thing.

It turned out, that Maxim de Winter had only remained in Monte Carlo because of Daphne, because he had been dead inside and it was she who made him feel alive.

ut if the girl didn't trust him, she could get out of the car immediately

Daphne replied she was eager to return home. She tried to hide the tears upon her cheeks, but without success. Suddenly Maxim de Winter put his hand round her shoulder and began to speak. He said the girl had been too formal with him all this time. It was absolutely ridiculous and he allowed her to call him Max. These words put Daphne in a good mood.


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