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40.2. Some parents think that having a computer at home will help their children to get a better education (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that nowadays computers are an essential part of our life and they are now in each home. There are voices heard that computers improve a student's academic record. However, others claim that it conversely distracts children from learning. Now I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

From my point of view, computers are necessary for a schoolchild. To open the list of arguments, Internet access gives an opportunity to find needful information.

Thus children can develop themselves, watching documentary films, reading articles and listening to podcasts from successful people. Moreover, there are different useful programs for making presentations or creating documents which can be installed on a computer. In addition, thanks to social networks students can communicate with their teachers or even study online.

However, some parents believe that computers in home do not contribute to better education, and only distract their children. Besides special programs for study, different computer games can be downloaded. It is the reason for Internet dependence. In this case children devote all their time to it, and parents become concerned.

This argument does not seem convincing to me, I claim that parents must keep an eye on their child and inform them about harm from computer games and study's obligation.

To round it off, I will speak in favour of the facts that in modern world computers are necessary for many people, including students, because special programs and Internet access contribute to receiving new knowledge.


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